In a slight break from the norm, we're listing every blog we published over the last 2 months, rather than the usual one.
Although we may have taken a month off, there has definitely been no let-up in the number or range of our blogs!
So have a quick look through the list below to check you haven't missed anything crucial. Please feel free to share any you particularly enjoyed with your colleagues.
Abdominal aortic aneurysm screening
AAA screening celebrates milestone on NHS’s 70th birthday
THE NHS Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm (AAA) Screening Programme has now invited 2 million men for a screening test since screening started in England in 2009.
AAA screening clinical skills trainers learn from each other
We recently held a successful networking day for clinical skills trainers from all over England and Wales.
AAA screening networking day success
The 2018 AAA screening national networking and information sharing day brought together more than 100 delegates.
Bowel cancer screening
Bowel screening benefits clear, says Attlee's granddaughter
Belinda Johnston blogs about attending a service to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the NHS at Westminster Abbey. Her grandfather, Clement Attlee, was instrumental as prime minister in getting the health service set up.
Where to find bowel cancer screening information
This blog is about the closing of the NHS Bowel Cancer Screening Programme extranet website.
Breast screening

Attracting mammographers back into screening
PHE Screening is supporting a national campaign to bring out-of-practice radiographers back into the NHS Breast Screening Programme.
Sloane Project website set to move
The Sloane Project website is moving to GOV.UK.
Cervical screening
Cervical screening failsafe updated
Over the last few months we've been working hard to update and improve the existing cervical screening failsafe guidelines and screening services need to be aware of the updated requirements.
Data and KPIs
KPI data published for end of the 2017 to 2018 screening year
A blog about the PHE Screening KPI data for the fourth quarter of 2017 to 2018. The data is split into 2 publications: one for the antenatal and newborn KPIs and one for the young person and adult KPIs.
Diabetic eye screening
Diabetic eye screening staff: register now for national events
We are delighted to announce registration details for 2 upcoming national NHS Diabetic Eye Screening (DES) Programme events.
Fetal anomaly screening
We need your help to assess impact of NIPT cascade training
The NHS Fetal Anomaly Screening Programme wants to know how cascade training has impacted on the knowledge and confidence of participants who took part.
General information
Data protection, GDPR and screening
Information about our updated guidance on patient confidentiality in NHS population screening programmes.
Getting used to HTML publications yet?
If you’re not yet used to HTML don’t panic. This blog will answer most of your questions.
GPs’ duty to share information
It is important for GPs to remember that the duty to share information can be just as important as the duty to protect confidentiality.
Guidance on screening checks to improve quality and reduce risks
We have published guidance that describes the checks and audits needed for antenatal and newborn screening pathways.
Keeping up the momentum to tackle inequalities in screening
Find out how we are moving the PHE Screening inequalities strategy forward.
Level 3 screening diploma: what staff need to know
Completion of the level 3 diploma is required for screeners who are not qualified healthcare professionals currently on a professional register. Qualified professionals working in the AAA or DES programmes only need to complete the units of the diploma that are relevant to their role.
Our 3-year screening blog anniversary
Three years ago, back in the summer of 2015, we hit the 'publish' button on our very first screening blog.
Reviewing our screening resource cards for midwives
Information about replacing our plastic resource cards which support midwives in their conversations about screening with women and their families.
Screening leaflets and their alternatives
About how we need to save money on our printed screening leaflets.
Your first point of contact for access to screening data
We have published new national guidance on GOV.UK that explains the process for policy makers and researchers who want to access screening data.
Infectious diseases in pregnancy screening
Infectious diseases in pregnancy screening workshops announced
We are running a series of workshops about a review being carried out as part of the NHS infectious diseases in pregnancy screening programme.
Newborn blood spot screening
Newborn blood spot failsafe solution: a new process for babies living or screened in Wales
There's a new process for managing the records of babies who are born in England but live in Wales, or have newborn blood spot screening tests carried out in Wales.
Newborn blood spot screening handbook just got better
We’ve just published an updated version of the newborn blood spot screening handbook for health professionals.
Screening quality assurance service
New quality assurance e-learning screening modules
We've launched 3 e-learning modules aimed at our screening quality assurance service staff and the professional and clinical advisors who provide specialist expertise.
Working smarter to quality assure antenatal and newborn screening laboratories
One of the main roles of Public Health England's screening quality assurance service is to carry out formal visits to antenatal and newborn screening services.
Sickle cell and thalassaemia screening
Small change improves early access to sickle cell and thalassaemia screening
A hospital has made a simple change that is having a big impact on improving early access to sickle cell and thalassaemia screening.
Updated sickle cell and thalassaemia screening handbook published
We have updated the sickle cell and thalassaemia screening handbook.
UK National Screening Committee
A year of screening recommendations
We have published the latest annual report of the UK National Screening Committee’s recommendations on whether to screen for conditions based on reviews of the best quality evidence.
Guidance on informed choice in screening
The final, UK National Screening Committee branded guidance on personal informed choice, has been published.
PHE Screening blogs
PHE Screening BLOGs provide up to date news from all NHS screening programmes.
You can register to receive updates direct to your inbox, so there’s no need to keep checking for new blogs.