Avoiding delays in newborn blood spot sample delivery over Easter

How to prepare for possible delays in delivery of newborn blood spot samples over bank holidays.
How to prepare for possible delays in delivery of newborn blood spot samples over bank holidays.
Just another day for an ANNB failsafe officer...
The newborn blood spot failsafe solution (NBSFS) is the IT system maternity units use to make sure they never miss offering newborn blood spot screening for babies they are responsible for. We are always looking for ways to make the …
Some important points of learning to be aware of from antenatal screening safety incidents.
Some fantastic new features have been added to the newborn blood spot screening IT system.
An antenatal and newborn screening co-ordinator explains the failsafe processes that help her team make sure pregnant women who screen positive for infectious diseases receive prompt and appropriate follow-up care.
The weekly failsafe report for newborn blood spot screening is changing. Find out more about this important change.
We are inviting diabetic eye screening providers and commissioners to give us their views on updated guidance for managing referrals to hospital eye services.
Over the last few months we've been working hard to update and improve the existing cervical screening failsafe guidelines and screening services need to be aware of the updated requirements.
Ruth Stubbs, PHE's Cervical Screening Programme Manager, shares how the plans for introducing HPV primary screening are coming along.