Explaining how PHE uses people's data for NHS screening

PHE Screening ran 2 focus groups about the suitability of our existing information governance (IG) wording and we made some improvements as a result.
PHE Screening ran 2 focus groups about the suitability of our existing information governance (IG) wording and we made some improvements as a result.
Learning from incidents is important to help prevent future errors and reduce the risk of harm.
A reminder about GDPR implications for child vision screening and clarification that schools do not need the permission of parents before they can share children’s data with the providers of school health services.
This blog article provides reassurance of the lawful basis for GP practices to share patient records with diabetic eye screening providers using the GP2DRS IT system.
GPs have access to highly sensitive personal information and take their ethical and legal duties of confidentiality very seriously. However, it is important for them to remember the Caldicott principle that the duty to share information can be just as important as the duty to protect confidentiality.
Information about our updated guidance on patient confidentiality in NHS population screening programmes.