NHSP standards consultation responses and supporting data report published

We have published a summary of the responses received, as well as a data report to provide evidence for the proposed changes in response to comments received.
We have published a summary of the responses received, as well as a data report to provide evidence for the proposed changes in response to comments received.
Complete our short survey to let us know what you think of the NHS Newborn Hearing Screening Programme operational guidance.
PHE's plans for reviewing and improving the approach to incidents in the NHS screening programmes and preparing for the new NHS patient safety incident response framework.
We have launched a survey to find out your views on how the UK National Screening Committee (UK NSC) involves stakeholders and the public in its work.
Citizens Online have been analysing data from almost 600 responses to the Equality Impact Assessment and share their first findings.
Sending text message reminders improves participation in screening services. We want your insight!
This is your opportunity to let us know how you feel about accessing information online.
Our survey is now open so why not have your say on the Sickle Cell and Thalassaemia Screening Programme counselling competences?
We are working with the Sickle Cell Society to update the Sickle Cell Disease in Childhood: Standards and guidelines for clinical care. We want you to tell us your views.
Professor Sir Mike Richards has been asked to conduct a major review of the English cancer screening programmes as part of a renewed drive to improve care and save lives. Please make any submissions by 18 April.