SCT screening support service available for expert advice

The Sickle Cell and Thalassaemia Screening Support Service in Oxford provides expert technical and scientific support to screening services.
The Sickle Cell and Thalassaemia Screening Support Service in Oxford provides expert technical and scientific support to screening services.
The Screening helpdesk answers thousands of queries. It uses data gathered from this to help improve our services.
A reminder for primary care colleagues about Public Health England's current cervical screening campaign and information about how to access women's screening results (which are not available from the PHE Screening helpdesk).
PHE Screening helpdesk advisor Katy Parker describes her factfinding visit to an antenatal screening laboratory in Bolton.
If you’ve contacted the PHE Screening helpdesk recently, you may have noticed and even completed, our latest user survey.
Here at the PHE Screening helpdesk we aim to provide information and support to stakeholders and users of all our screening services.
If you’ve contacted the screening helpdesk recently, you may have noticed, and you may have even completed, our user survey.
If you want to know something about the national NHS Screening Programmes, the screening helpdesk is there to help. Enquiries to the helpdesk have increased by almost half, from 971 to 1,440 in the last year - especially since taking …