100th candidate completes NHS newborn hearing screening competency assessment

The 100th candidate successfully completed the external competency assessment (ECA) in September 2021.
The 100th candidate successfully completed the external competency assessment (ECA) in September 2021.
Read about how the bowel cancer screening pathology study days were held virtually and what's coming next.
The specialist counsellor update days will run twice this year.
The genetic risk assessment and counselling module will run for 4 days through May and June 2021.
The new infectious diseases in pregnancy screening (IDPS) e-learning resource is now available on e-Learning for Healthcare.
New sickle cell and thalassaemia counselling knowledge and skills resource launched.
Remote supervision of assistant practitioners could help to increase recruitment.
The NHS Newborn Hearing Screening Programme is updating the observed structured clinical examination (OSCE) that staff carrying out newborn hearing screening tests in England must complete before being able to screen unsupervised.
Regional networking days for AAA screening clinical skills trainers this autumn will now be held online.
The way screening technicians' scanning competence is tested is changing.