New checklist to reduce avoidable repeat tests

Avoiding repeat newborn blood spot screening tests one maternity service at a time
Avoiding repeat newborn blood spot screening tests one maternity service at a time
The Healthy London Partnership has been focusing on tackling health inequalities, including those in cancer screening.
A project led by the North Cumbria and North East Screening and Immunisation Team has helped to strengthen the newborn and infant physical examination screening pathway and identify best practice tips.
PHE Screening is delighted to publish its first annual data report on the national cervical screening programme standards, focusing on performance in England from 1 April 2018 to 31 March 2019.
We are pleased to announce the publication of updated national standards for abdominal aortic aneurysm screening.
We are pleased to announce the publication of new guidance for pathologists who report cervical biopsy samples for the NHS Cervical Screening Programme.
This blog article gives providers guidance on sickle cell and thalassaemia screening for women who are pregnant via egg donation.
A new grading report to quality assure national grading in diabetic eye screening is now ready and will be sent out to local screening providers and commissioners by the middle of October.
We have recently published updated guidance for commissioners and providers of medical physics services to the NHS Breast Screening Programme. These Public Health England (PHE) guidelines have been written by professionals with hands-on experience of the delivery of physics services …
The NHS Fetal Anomaly Screening Programme (FASP) handbook for laboratories is the ‘all you need to know’ guide for screening laboratories for Down’s, Edwards’ and Patau’s syndrome. The updated lab handbook is now available.