Here is a round-up of each and every Public Health England (PHE) screening blog published in June 2019. There were 19 in total.
Abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) screening
AAA clinical skills trainers — sign up for summer 2019 focus groups now
PHE Screening is hosting 4 focus group meetings in July and August 2019 to hear the views of clinical skills trainers working in AAA screening.
Bowel cancer screening
New bowel cancer screening easy guide published thanks to input from our experts by experience
PHE Screening has published its updated national easy guide to bowel cancer screening in collaboration with the North East and Cumbria Learning Disability Network, Macmillan Cancer Project and Bowel Cancer UK.
Breast screening
Breast screening services must use new self-referral letter template
It is very important that breast screening providers use the new national self-referral letter template for women aged 71 and over who self-refer for screening.
New ‘reason for recall’ field in breast screening IT system will drive up quality
The next release of the National Breast Screening System is introducing a new ‘reason for recall’ field, allowing mammogram image readers to report the reason for images being recalled.
Cervical screening
Talking about cell changes during Cervical Screening Awareness Week 2019
A blog by Jo’s Cervical Cancer Trust chief exec Rob Music.
Diabetic eye screening
New report to quality assure national grading in diabetic eye screening
New national diabetic eye screening guidance published that describes a statistical method to compare grading outcomes between local screening providers.
Fetal anomaly screening
Important learning points from screening support sonographers’ workshops
Feedback from a workshop for screening sonographers highlighted a number of areas for shared learning and improvement.
Language matters, especially if you’re a health professional talking to parents-to-be
Two mums talk about the importance of the language that health professionals use when talking to parents and parents-to-be about conditions like Down's syndrome, Edwards' syndrome and Patau's syndrome.
We have previously published a number of blogs about NIPT. Here we provide an update on next steps.
General information
Antenatal and newborn screening digital information survey results
Find out what antenatal and newborn screening colleagues said in response to our antenatal and newborn screening digital information survey.
Collaborative working improves screening for babies and mums in Cumbria
Cumbria is a large county with hospitals spread miles apart. Collaborative working is essential between all the people and services who help deliver antenatal and newborn screening.
Our new introduction to population screening e-learning module is live
Our exciting new e-learning module provides an interactive introduction to population screening. Find out more.
Screening data and information objectives
Standards are one of the ways we can see how well national screening programmes are performing. Find out how the data team at PHE will be working to publish high-quality information on screening in 2019/20.
Timely reminder of screening data submission deadlines
Important information for local screening providers on how and when they need to validate and submit key performance indicator (KPI) and screening standards data.
What you told us about our inequalities strategy
Our survey into the effectiveness of the PHE Screening inequalities strategy highlighted lots of good practice and suggestions for improvements.
Newborn and infant physical examination (NIPE) screening
Call for experts in neonatal/infant ophthalmology or paediatric genito urinary medicine
The NIPE screening programme is looking for experts in the field of neonatal/infant ophthalmology or genito urinary medicine.
Sickle cell and thalassaemia (SCT) screening
Improving timely access to SCT screening — a personal account
Early access to SCT screening is important in giving time to women and couples to consider their options. Here's an account of how a team in Essex improved things for local women.
Sharing best practice to improve early access to SCT screening
Early access to SCT screening is important in giving time to women and couples to consider their options. Performance varies across the country, so we are sharing some best practice tips and a new checklist tool.
We are working with the Sickle Cell Society to update the Sickle Cell Disease in Childhood: Standards and guidelines for clinical care. We want you to tell us your views.
PHE Screening blogs
PHE Screening blogs provide up to date news from all NHS screening programmes. You can register to receive updates direct to your inbox, so there’s no need to keep checking for new blogs. If you have any questions about this blog article, or about population screening in England, please contact the PHE screening helpdesk.
Comment by Helen Seignior posted on
Please can we have an update on the inclusion of pulse oximetry in the NHS newborn and infant physical examination (NIPE) screening programme?
I keep checking but I have not been able to find any news on this.
Comment by Jill Walker posted on
Dear Helen
Thank you for your question.
The UK National Screening Committee (UK NSC) discussed the findings of the newborn pulse oximetry screening pilot and evaluation at their meeting in February and the minutes of the meeting are available online.
The UK NSC agreed that although the evidence thus far does not meet the criteria for a screening programme, a public consultation should be carried out.
Further information about the consultation to include pulse oximetry as an additional test in the newborn and infant physical examination (NIPE) screening programme is available online.
Comments should be submitted to screening.evidence@nhs.net by Friday 9 August 2019. All responses will be published after the UK NSC makes its final recommendation.
Kind regards
Jill Walker, Programme Manager - NHS Newborn and Infant Physical Examination Screening Programme