My name is Nichola Goddard and in this blog I'd like to tell you about a regional DES networking day I attended and why I would encourage others to attend one in their region if they get the chance.
Sonia Segalini, a screening quality assurance project officer at Public Health England, explains how she overcame her fear of presenting.
...of premature deaths from ruptured aneurysms through early detection, appropriate monitoring and treatment Specialist nurses play an essential role in providing support and advice to men who have small or...
The NHS Sickle Cell and Thalassaemia Screening Programme has organised 2 laboratory update days in April.
The NHS Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Screening Programme is delighted to confirm that we will be hosting a networking day aimed specifically at clinical skills trainers (CSTs) on Friday, 2 March...
The NHS Diabetic Eye Screening Programme is again joining forces with the Royal Society of Medicine (RSM) to hold the fifth national diabetic eye screening conference on Friday 20 April.
Did you know that if you are a senior registered nurse or midwife, you may be able to transition to a career as a genetic counsellor? You can do this by completing a short course or by completing a master’s degree.
The inaugural NHS Diabetic Eye Screening Programme networking day enabled people from across the world of diabetic eye screening to network with colleagues and get operational updates from the national programme team.
...share ideas. This is only possible with good communication, which subsequently drives up and maintains quality improvements. It’s important to share and acknowledge the good work that is already taking...
...service (SQAS) regional team staff and public health commissioners. At next year’s event, we will feed back on the development and launch of the national AAA screening inequalities toolkit, which...