Health equity audit guidance published for NHS screening providers and commissioners

A new health equity audit has been published specifically aimed at supporting screening providers and commissioners.
A new health equity audit has been published specifically aimed at supporting screening providers and commissioners.
Regional networking days for AAA screening clinical skills trainers this autumn will now be held online.
Pregnant trans men can face some unique challenges when accessing healthcare.
A call for clinical skills trainers and quality assurance (QA) leads to register for national events later this year.
The Healthy London Partnership has been focusing on tackling health inequalities, including those in cancer screening.
Read about one consultant radiographer's experience taking on the role of director of screening.
As part of our preparations for moving towards providing information in a digital format, we have been running focus groups. This article fills you in about what people have been telling us so far.
A project led by the North Cumbria and North East Screening and Immunisation Team has helped to strengthen the newborn and infant physical examination screening pathway and identify best practice tips.
How the Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) screening programme used a quality assurance (QA) visit to tackle inequalities.
Around 130 delegates attended the first ever national PHE Screening Inequalities Conference.