Today, we launch a consultation exercise to ask health researchers and the public to submit their ideas for the most important research topics we should be considering in bowel cancer screening.
To mark our 500th PHE Screening blog post, we’re launching a survey so you can let us know how to make our next 500 posts even better than the last.
A list of every blog issued in March 2018.
...ill when they are not) (false positives) what care and treatment to offer babies with other causes of low numbers of white cells how many babies are born in families...
We have launched a period of consultation on the draft NHS Sickle Cell and Thalassaemia Screening Programme handbook.
...provide feedback. Second annual call for topics Any organisation or individual can make a proposal, providing that: the condition is not already on the UK NSC list of health screening...
I’m delighted to report that following the sterling work of our child vision group, we are now consulting on all the draft resources they have produced.
...deadline for responding is Monday 27 March. Thank you for helping us and we look forward to reading your comments. PHE Screening blog PHE Screening BLOG articles provide up to...
In 1988, the UK implemented the first national breast screening programme following evidence published in the Forrest Report.
If you’ve contacted the PHE Screening helpdesk recently, you may have noticed and even completed, our latest user survey.