AAA screeners and nurses enjoy development and networking events

PHE Screening recently held training and development events for AAA screening technicians and nurse specialists from nearly 40 local screening providers.
PHE Screening recently held training and development events for AAA screening technicians and nurse specialists from nearly 40 local screening providers.
Spreading AAA screening awareness in rural areas
In support of Breast Cancer Awareness month, the communications and engagement team at Doncaster and Bassetlaw Teaching Hospitals has been raising awareness of the signs and symptoms of breast cancer and the importance of attending breast screening appointments.
PHE Screening is pleased to announce the publication of the national newborn hearing screening programme (NHSP) annual data report covering the period 1 April 2017 to 31 March 2018.
Members of the newborn blood spot (NBS) screening programme team had an exciting opportunity recently to present at a screening conference in Hangzhou in China. NBS programme manager Christine Cavanagh talks about the trip.
More than 350 people attended a bowel cancer screening event in Leeds. In this post we share a summary of important messages and learning points for local services to keep in mind.
This blog article gives providers guidance on sickle cell and thalassaemia screening for women who are pregnant via egg donation.
NHS England (Lancashire and South Cumbria) commissioned a piece of work with its local breast screening services to raise awareness of breast screening.
An example of best practice from a local diabetic eye screening provider in helping to ensure equal access to screening for an individual with complex needs.
Information about 4 great new training videos to help users of the National Breast Screening System (NBSS).