Special guest blog for bowel cancer awareness month
This Bowel Cancer Awareness Month, Bowel Cancer UK is highlighting how the charity supports the NHS Bowel Cancer Screening Programme.
This Bowel Cancer Awareness Month, Bowel Cancer UK is highlighting how the charity supports the NHS Bowel Cancer Screening Programme.
A reminder for antenatal screening laboratories to use the standard templates to let pregnant women know about low chance fetal anomaly screening results.
Find out how experts by experience from the North East and Cumbria provided vital input into the development of new national easy guides for cervical and bowel cancer screening.
Public Health England, NHS England and NHS Digital have begun an ongoing collaboration to move from printed invitation leaflets to online information, starting with antenatal and newborn screening.
Today we have published new guidance for screening providers and commissioners that aims to improve access to screening for people with severe mental illness.
This article explains the benefits of local screening services using the national screening leaflets rather than producing their own information. It also describes the remit of Public Health England in terms of screening information produced by third parties outside of the NHS and government.
Today, we have published updated parent information leaflets covering anencephaly and spina bifida, 2 of the conditions screened for at the fetal anomaly screening mid-pregnancy scan.
Today, we have published the updated information fetal anomaly screening programme leaflet for parents about congenital heart disease.
We've created a one-side A4 poster you can print out and stick above your computer or on the office notice board to remind you where to go for information related to population screening in England.
In March 2019 PHE will launch its first national multimedia cervical screening campaign.