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Can you tell the difference between the UK NSC and PHE? And does it matter?

Posted by: , Posted on: - Categories: General information, UK National Screening Committee
Image of Nick Johnstone-Waddell in front of the PHE logo.

...or those where there is an existing screening programme – and makes independent recommendations to government ministers in the 4 UK countries. It doesn’t make policy (that’s what ministers do)...

Breast screening programme publishes new interval cancer guidance

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The NHS Breast Screening Programme has produced new guidance on the reporting, classification and monitoring of interval cancers. These are cancers diagnosed after a screening appointment at which a woman received a normal result and before her next scheduled screening appointment.

We work together! Shared learning at a regional diabetic eye screening (DES) networking day

Posted by: , Posted on: - Categories: NHS Diabetic Eye Screening Programme
Headshots of Julie and the SQAS team.

More than 40 people attended a regional diabetic eye screening (DES) networking day organised by the Midlands and East Screening QA Service (SQAS) team. Delegates included programme managers, clinicians, senior...

New home test kit for bowel cancer screening: what GPs need to know

Posted by: , Posted on: - Categories: NHS Bowel Cancer Screening Programme
Infograhic showing the words information for GPs.

The programme will introduce a new improved home test kit for screening from April 2018. It is call a faecal immunochemical test (FIT) and it will replace the guaiac faecal occult blood test (gFOBt). It’s important that GPs and others working in primary care understand this change to the screening programme and its implications for their patients, so here is a brief summary.

Updated templates for antenatal and newborn KPI data collection

Image of the template for Child Health Information Systems. December when we collect the Q1 FA2 data. When submitting KPI data Please make sure to: sense check your data complete the ‘submitted by’ information make sure the data...

Making data available to help improve cervical screening attendance

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For the first time ever, we’re publishing detailed cervical screening coverage data by GP practice.  Coverage is the proportion of women eligible for screening who have a test result recorded in the last 3 or 5 years, depending on their age.