New animations explain screening throughout a lifetime
...information - we could not have included videos in a paper leaflet. They are more engaging and local services can share them on their social media channels, such as Facebook,...
...information - we could not have included videos in a paper leaflet. They are more engaging and local services can share them on their social media channels, such as Facebook,...
...sure many of you will have read many such articles and seen all sorts of lists of best films, most downloaded music tracks, most popular dancing squirrel videos on YouTube...
...easier. Grant has put together the following four short videos to guide users through the process of extracting the data from the optomize software provided by Digital Healthcare, the biggest...
...of the comments we got back. Tracy Thurgood, qualifications manager at Gloucester Royal Hospital, was particularly impressed by the 6 short 'learner journey' videos. She said: Overall, the new resources...
...sure comments are incorporated into the easy guides when they are reviewed and updated. A consistent theme from professionals and people with learning disabilities was that more videos would really...
The new introduction to population screening e-learning module has videos, animations and quizzes It was a very cold and snowy day at the start of 2018 when I met a...
...of screening and how to self-check. Sheena’s video story underlines importance of screening We produced 2 talking heads videos, one from a member of staff who was diagnosed with breast...
...and dislike about online information what they think of our new digital accessible webpage (HTML) version of the leaflet using more animations and videos to explain screening how we can...
Here is a round-up of each and every Public Health England (PHE) screening blog published in August 2019. There were 9 in total. Breast screening Great new training videos for...
...screening. The posts include women explaining the screening process and their personal experience of it, as well as videos showing the rooms where screening takes place. The service also answers...