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Screening Quality Assurance Service

Networking day: screening support sonographers and screening coordinators

... PHE Screening blogs PHE Screening BLOGs provide up to date news from all NHS screening programmes. You can register to receive updates direct...

Updated templates for antenatal and newborn KPI data collection

Image of the template for Child Health Information Systems. December when we collect the Q1 FA2 data. When submitting KPI data Please make sure to: sense check your data complete the ‘submitted by’ information make sure the data...

London QA staff engage with AAA screening providers at regional workshop

...timescales audit Modupe Omonijo – Next steps Ved Ramnani – Competency and development Karen Bentley-Hollins – Smart presentation James Couzens – QA visit process Paola...

A failsafe officer is for life, not just for Christmas

...wholeheartedly. So, with a new job description, personal specification and banding completed, we went out to advert. This was a success and attracted more than 50 applicants. We knew we’d...

EQA (external quality assessment) in cervical screening: what's it all about?

...National Portfolio Lead for Cervical Screening. This means I have responsibility for representing cervical screening within the Screening Quality Assurance Service (SQAS). I thought it would be useful to explain...

Supporting screening services is always interesting and always busy

...meeting and make it a priority to attend. I then meet a screening and immunisation coordinator who works on DES. We've been working together with a provider that recently had...

Screening key performance indicators: publication of 2015 to 2016 annual data

We have published the annual data for the non-cancer screening key performance indicators (KPIs) for the 2015 to 2016 screening year (1 April 2015 to 31 March 2016).

Networking, national updates and shared learning at London antenatal and newborn screening forum

The London Screening Quality Assurance Service (SQAS) team held a successful forum for screening coordinators and heads of midwifery from all London maternity units.