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NHS Newborn and Infant Physical Examination

Say hello to us at the Royal College of Midwives conference 2019

image of men and women and the words say how to stay in touch with the PHE screening programmes through the blog Twitter and the helpdesk.

More than 3,500 delegates will be attending this year’s Royal College of Midwives (RCM) annual conference starting today at Manchester Central. The conference theme is ‘Working with you locally, nationally and internationally’ and topics being discussed include: multidisciplinary team working …

Give us your views on the antenatal and newborn screening animation

Parents look at newborn baby. Words say: 'you can decide which tests are right for you and your baby.'

Complete our short survey to evaluate the antenatal and newborn screening animation.

Signpost women to updated translations of antenatal and newborn screening information

Someone using a translation app on their phone

Updated translations published of our antenatal and newborn screening information in 12 languages.

Antenatal and newborn screening digital information survey results

A closeup of a woman's hands holding a smartphone

Find out what antenatal and newborn screening colleagues said in response to our antenatal and newborn screening digital information survey.

Collaborative working improves screening for babies and mums in Cumbria

8 people are all sat at a table where they look like they're having a meeting. They are all facing the camera. Several are in nurses uniform.

Cumbria is a large county with hospitals spread miles apart. Collaborative working is essential between all the people and services who help deliver antenatal and newborn screening.

Screening KPI data published for third quarter of 2018 to 2019 year

Key performance indicators (KPIs) measure how the NHS screening programmes are performing and aim to give a high level overview of programme quality. This blog article updates you on the latest KPI data publications. Quarter 2 and 3 KPI data …