Cervical screening sample taker training guidance published

We are pleased to publish the sample taker training guidance for the NHS Cervical Screening Programme, replacing the previous publication ‘A Resource Pack for Trainers’ (April 2006).
We are pleased to publish the sample taker training guidance for the NHS Cervical Screening Programme, replacing the previous publication ‘A Resource Pack for Trainers’ (April 2006).
Diabetic eye screening is an important part of diabetes care but some people with the condition never attend their screening appointments despite being invited. These people are more likely to develop diabetic retinopathy, a condition that can lead to sight loss if it's …
Children have all sorts of eye problems (just like adults) from viral conjunctivitis through to mild or moderate sight problems and, very rarely, blindness. Most children with eye problems are picked up by their parents or teachers.
...chapters. Most of it is in HTML format rather than being a PDF document. This means you can read it directly on the GOV.UK website, from a mobile device, laptop...
We’re offering a limited number of funded training places to help people working in screening to develop their career.
The London Screening Quality Assurance Service (SQAS) team held a successful forum for screening coordinators and heads of midwifery from all London maternity units.
The NHS Sickle Cell and Thalassaemia (SCT) Programme endorses short counselling courses for health professionals who care for families affected by the 2 conditions.
Guests from more than 35 countries gathered in the sunshine in The Hague for the 9th International Society for Neonatal Screening (ISNS) conference.
I attended an excellent workshop held by the NHS Fetal Anomaly Screening Programme (FASP) to inform new laboratory and screening division staff about the Down’s syndrome Quality Assurance Support Service (DQASS). The presentations from the workshop are included below.
To support the implementation of the Level 3 Diploma for Health Screeners, we can now offer more than 1 place on our forthcoming half-day update sessions for each local abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA), diabetic eye (DES) and newborn hearing screening programme (NHSP).