We’re offering a limited number of funded training places to help people working in screening to develop their career.
A total of 12 funded places are available for experienced staff who work in the abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA), diabetic eye (DES) or newborn hearing (NHSP) screening programmes.
This Level 4 Award in Internal Quality Assurance of Assessment Processes and Practice is for staff who would like to become internal quality assurers (IQAs) to support the implementation of the new Level 3 Diploma for Health Screeners.

IQAs are the main contact between an approving/awarding centre and an awarding organisation (AO) in monitoring the quality of assessors and assessor activities. Approving centres usually employ IQAs on an ad hoc/sessional basis. Each local screening service does not need an IQA in order to provide the new qualification.
The responsibilities o IQAs include:
- planning and evaluating internal assessment and quality assurance systems in local screening services that offer the Diploma for Health Screeners
- ensuring procedures are in place to support assessors in making reliable assessment decisions
- monitoring and improving the quality of assessment practice
- applying policies, procedures and legislation to meet external regulatory requirements
The IQA qualification has 2 mandatory units.
- Understanding the principle and practices of internally assuring the quality of assessment
This is a knowledge-based unit. Candidates gain the knowledge and understanding required to internally assure the quality of assessment: the principles, techniques and the planning involved.
- Internally assure the quality of assessment
This is a competency-based unit and involves putting the theory into practice. Candidates are observed monitoring and working with 2 assessors - each with a minimum of 2 candidates of their own.
The qualification will take between one month and 6 months to achieve.
Potential candidates must:
- be employed in the AAA, DES or NHSP programmes
- have at least 3 years’ experience assessing individuals for work-based competencies
- be occupationally competent within their area of work
- be able to observe, assess and quality assure 2 individuals who themselves assess staff in a clinical environment (either inside or outside screening)
- attend a one-day taught session in London in January 2017
To apply for one of the funded places for this training, you need to complete the application form by 25 November 2016.
PHE Screening's education and training team will review applications and inform successful applicants by 9 December 2016.
If you have any queries please email the PHE Screening helpdesk.
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