The 6 Cumbria and North East (CANE) diabetic eye screening services work together to improve services for patients through shared learning, quarterly programme manager networking meetings and a local failsafe officer forum.
Blogging is such a good way to open up what different parts of Government are doing and, importantly, to show that Government isn’t a faceless bureaucracy but is made up of people with passion and dedication for what they do.
... PHE Screening blogs PHE Screening BLOGs provide up to date news from all NHS screening programmes. You can register to receive updates direct...
Dedicated GP practices have appropriate training and support mechanisms to deal with patients who have a history of violence within an NHS setting.
How the Leicester Newborn Hearing Screening Programme went 'back to basics' to reduce rates of referral for audiological assessment.
...and 31 March 2016, approximately 50% of women were screened by 10 weeks gestation (the acceptable level for this standard). Women in high prevalence areas were less likely to be...
The NHS Newborn and Infant Physical Examination Programme (NIPE) held 5 regional events across the country to update health professionals involved in the the national programme.
More than 100 abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) screening professionals attended this year’s national AAA screening networking event.
In this blog article, antenatal and newborn screening coordinator Louise Frost explains how the creation of an antenatal booking centre (ABC) improved early access and continuity of care for women at Princess Royal University Hospital (PRUH) in south east London.
Hello, my name is Dr John Rodriguez and I am the Screening and Immunisation Lead for Kent and Medway. I’d like to tell you about the recently published national guidance on the management of patients not included on the screening register …