Pinging in the changes – update on text messaging in screening

PHE has collaborated with Imperial College London to improve our guidance around text message reminders in the NHS screening programmes.
PHE has collaborated with Imperial College London to improve our guidance around text message reminders in the NHS screening programmes.
The PHE newborn blood spot (NBS) screening team has analysed results from its evaluation survey of the newborn blood spot failsafe solution.
The research advisory committee (RAC) reviews applications to carry out research involving NHS screening programme participants or requiring access to screening data or samples.
A national audit of quality assurance visits to local screening services found that SQAS teams consistently address inequalities in visits across all screening programmes.
We have vacancies for lay members on the RACs for the NHS bowel cancer screening programme, NHS breast screening programme and NHS cervical screening programme.
New guidance advises health professionals on how to communicate the results of invasive cancer audit reviews to women who were previously screened in the NHS cervical screening programme.
PHE screening has published the National Breast Screening pathology audit for the 3-year period April 2016 to March 2019.
Breast screening units we need you. Please take part in the latest Sloane audit.
The UK National Screening Committee evidence team is trialling a new approach to make the process of reviewing evidence for screening more efficient.
Find out what was discussed at the fourth national AAA screening research day event in Newcastle.