New animation helps parents understand their role in audiology assessment process

Check out our new animation that aims to support parents whose babies are referred from newborn hearing screening for audiological testing.
Check out our new animation that aims to support parents whose babies are referred from newborn hearing screening for audiological testing.
Charity Beyond Words has updated its wordless picture stories about bowel cancer screening, breast screening and cervical screening for people with learning disabilities and/or autism and others.
Two new screening animations from PHE explain the different screening tests that men and women will be invited for throughout their lives.
New alpha zero thalassaemia carrier digital leaflet for pregnant women and couples.
An update on the work of the UK National Screening Committee to review the way it considers ethical issues.
The family origin questionnaire (FOQ) guidance has been updated to describe the essential elements local NHS antenatal screening providers must include in their locally developed FOQ forms, whatever their format.
How PHE developed the public information and professional education and training resources to support the implementation of NIPT in the NHS screening pathway for Down's syndrome, Edwards' syndrome and Patau's syndrome.
We continue to update and publish national public information about the NHS screening programmes in accessible digital format. This now includes information for parents of babies whose newborn blood spot screening test shows they carry a gene for an unusual …
We've published 7 new screening animations explaining the different screening tests for pregnant women and newborn babies.
PHE Screening ran 2 focus groups about the suitability of our existing information governance (IG) wording and we made some improvements as a result.