Antenatal and newborn screening providers should now be signposting parents routinely to digital versions of information leaflets rather than automatically handing out printed leaflets.
Survey for NHS antenatal screening providers to help inform smooth transition to using digital information resources for pregnant women.
COVID-19 information sheet and updated national letter templates published for local NHS Diabetic Eye Screening Programme providers.
With coronavirus limiting social contact, we have been helping maternity providers to signpost women to digital versions of our NHS antenatal and newborn screening information.
Citizens Online have been analysing data from almost 600 responses to the Equality Impact Assessment and share their first findings.
We have updated our chorionic villus sampling (CVS) and amniocentesis: information for parents resource and now published it in digital HTML format.
As part of our preparations for moving towards providing information in a digital format, we have been running focus groups. This article fills you in about what people have been telling us so far.
We’ve created a short guide on how to create shortcuts to screening resources.
Sending text message reminders improves participation in screening services. We want your insight!
Our event discussing the implementation of digital screening information for pregnant women.