Diabetic eye screening updates

Information about updates to the level 3 diploma for health screeners working in the NHS diabetic eye screening programme.
Information about updates to the level 3 diploma for health screeners working in the NHS diabetic eye screening programme.
The NHS Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm (AAA) Screening Programme has announced the new date for its clinical skills trainer networking day. The re-scheduled event will take place on Friday 27 April 2018 and will be held in central London from 10.30am …
If you’re reading this then you’ve hopefully seen the PHE ‘screening resource pack for student midwives'. We send it out every year to all universities in England and ask midwifery tutors to give a set to all new starter students. …
We're closing the continuing professional development (CPD) website next week (18 February 2018). You can find all resources on GOV.UK and e-learning on e-Learning for Healthcare (e-LfH).
Local providers face an ongoing challenge to make sure they have enough clinical skills trainer capacity to support AAA screening technicians.
Did you know that if you are a senior registered nurse or midwife, you may be able to transition to a career as a genetic counsellor? You can do this by completing a short course or by completing a master’s degree.
From 31 March 2018, Health Education England funding will no longer be available to support screening staff to complete or start the certificate of assessing vocational achievement qualification.
"I do feel that I have learnt a lot through working within a clinical environment - much more than I would have done without doing the diploma - so this has definitely developed my role as Newborn Hearing Screener. It has given me confidence and broadened my knowledge."
The level 3 Diploma for Health Screeners launched on 1 April 2016. This national qualification is now a requirement for non-professionally regulated staff working in abdominal aortic aneurysm screening, diabetic eye screening and newborn hearing screening.
...hasn’t moved – you can still access it through the CPD website. Chapter 2 of the NHSP operational guidance document is about education and training Level 3 diploma for health...
PHE is involved in an initiative to develop an apprenticeship for the new role of ‘associate mammographer’, which we hope will encourage many to enter the profession and address the national shortage of mammographers.