Since the introduction of the level 3 diploma for health screeners in 2016, PHE Screening has administered Health Education England (HEE) funds to support nearly 300 screening staff to complete or start the certificate of assessing vocational achievement (CAVA) qualification via the NOCN streamlined process.
Our previous blog article highlighted how the CAVA qualification had impacted positively on staff working in local abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA), newborn hearing (NHSP) and diabetic eye (DES) screening programmes.
From 31 March 2018, the HEE funding will no longer be available for the CAVA. The final date for registration to undertake the CAVA via the streamlined process is 2 February 2018. After this date the registration surveys will close.
How to apply
Please complete the registration below to register learners on the final PHE-funded streamlined CAVA. Please note that the individual undertaking the CAVA should complete the registration.
PHE Screening will fund all learners, working within NHS screening programmes, who meet the required prior healthcare assessment experience and use the above surveys to register before 2 February 2018.
The streamlined CAVA route will still be available after March 2018 but funding will then need to be met by local screening providers.

Funding health screeners
Funding is still available for new non-professionally registered staff to undertake the level 3 diploma for health screeners. This is limited to 2 screeners per local programme, but more can be considered on a case by case basis. Contact the PHE helpdesk for more information.
Further details about this funding are available on the screening cpd website.
Please note that local programmes will not be able to claim funding after 31 March 2018 even if the learner has been registered before this date.
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