Changes ahead for the national screening system
Changes ahead for the national screening system
Details of changes to the national screening system from 1 October, due to the closure of Public Health England.
Details of changes to the national screening system from 1 October, due to the closure of Public Health England.
Group B Streptococcus (GBS) is an important cause of illness in babies, children and elderly adults. It remains the commonest infection that causes serious illness in newborn babies.
The NHS Breast Screening Programme has published a national radiographic workforce report summarising the findings of its survey into the current state of the radiographic workforce.
...hospitals that will be involved initially and the results and information to be collected during the evaluation process and beyond. Deciding what to do after receiving a positive screening test...
Children have all sorts of eye problems (just like adults) from viral conjunctivitis through to mild or moderate sight problems and, very rarely, blindness. Most children with eye problems are picked up by their parents or teachers.
...chapters. Most of it is in HTML format rather than being a PDF document. This means you can read it directly on the GOV.UK website, from a mobile device, laptop...
We’re offering a limited number of funded training places to help people working in screening to develop their career.
In his latest PHE Screening blog post written for his fellow GPs, Dr Jim McMorran looks at primary care issues relating to sickle cell and thalassaemia (SCT) screening.
Today we published the abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) screening, surveillance and outcome data for the 2015 to 2016 screening year (1 April 2015 to 31 March 2016). a number of levels or areas, such as PHE centres, NHS England local offices or local authorities. In some cases, for example, antenatal key performance indicators (KPIs), data is...
The London Screening Quality Assurance Service (SQAS) team held a successful forum for screening coordinators and heads of midwifery from all London maternity units.