Changes to NIPE programme standards and handbook
Revisions to two NHS Newborn and Infant Physical Examination (NIPE) screening programme clinical guidance documents have been published.
Revisions to two NHS Newborn and Infant Physical Examination (NIPE) screening programme clinical guidance documents have been published.
Reorganisation of child health information services might cause issues with newborn screening IT systems if local checks are not in place.
We’re asking midwives to fill in a short survey about our credit card sized collection of plastic resource cards giving information about screening offered in pregnancy and to newborn babies.
If you’re reading this then you’ve hopefully seen the PHE ‘screening resource pack for student midwives'. We send it out every year to all universities in England and ask midwifery tutors to give a set to all new starter students. …
Here’s a list of every blog issued in January and February 2018.
We have worked with the NHS Choices video team and an animation company to produce a new screening animation, which in just 2 ½ minutes explains all the types of screening offered during pregnancy and for newborn babies.
We are pleased to announce that an updated version (5.7) of NIPE SMART will be available to users on 13 February.
...information and evaluate the guides. They will include interviews with people who provide antenatal and newborn screening, professionals working in maternity and learning disabilities services in London, the voluntary sector...
...Christmas from Raya too.) PHE Screening blogs PHE Screening BLOGs provide up to date news from all NHS screening programmes. You can register to receive updates direct to your inbox,...
The NHS Newborn and Infant Physical Examination Programme (NIPE) held 5 regional events across the country to update health professionals involved in the the national programme.