You can now use short, memorable web addresses (URLs) to direct people to all the information for the public that supports NHS screening on GOV.UK.
The new URLs are for the public information document collection pages that include all the NHS screening digital information leaflets. The URLs are:
NHS screening services can download and print off a PDF containing the QR codes and short urls for all the programme-specific screening invitation leaflets as well as the document collection pages. The QR codes and short rules can also be viewed in the PowerPoint slides below.
Users can scan the QR codes to instantly open the links on their phones.
Moving from print to digital
The new short URLs are part of PHE’s ongoing support for local NHS screening providers making the transition from printed to digital information.
Local NHS diabetic eye screening services (DES) have been working with their software suppliers to use updated national invitation and result letter templates. These templates have QR codes that link to the relevant digital information. Local services should now only enclose the printed Your guide to diabetic eye screening leaflet with invitations to people who have not previously attended screening.
Support for local NHS DES services includes an A4 poster they can order and display in screening clinics that includes QR codes signposting to the DES digital leaflets.
A similar poster is available for local NHS abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) screening services to order.
Directing people to digital information is now business as usual for many NHS antenatal and newborn (ANNB) screening services and the remainder are working to transition by the end of March 2021. A range of resources is available to support ANNB providers and NHS newborn hearing screening services can also order copies of a poster with a QR code directing parents to the digital version of the audiology referral leaflet.
Plans are ongoing to make the necessary changes to the national NHS cancer screening IT systems to enable local cancer screening providers to make the transition from printed to digital information during 2021.
PHE Screening blog
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