Call for experts in neonatal/infant ophthalmology or paediatric genito urinary medicine

The newborn and infant screening programme (NIPE) is currently looking for experts in the field of neonatal/infant ophthalmology or genito urinary medicine.
The newborn and infant screening programme (NIPE) is currently looking for experts in the field of neonatal/infant ophthalmology or genito urinary medicine.
PHE Screening is hosting 4 focus group meetings in July and August 2019 to hear the views of clinical skills trainers working in abdominal aortic aneurysm screening.
Funding is available to support the training of 150 additional reporting radiographers in England during the 2019 to 2020 financial year – an initiative that includes the breast screening workforce.
Kate Israel has thoroughly enjoyed her secondment with PHE working in the newborn blood spot team. Here she looks back at her time with us.
We have published new guidance for local cervical screening providers on implementing high-risk human papillomavirus (hrHPV) testing as the programme’s primary screening test.
We're supporting a national campaign to attract mammographers back into screening.