How we’ve improved newborn hearing screening and reduced parental anxiety
The NHS Newborn Hearing Screening Programme screens babies during the first few weeks of their lives to find those who are born with hearing loss.
The NHS Newborn Hearing Screening Programme screens babies during the first few weeks of their lives to find those who are born with hearing loss.
...discuss potential solutions. Programme for the day and how to register Information on the day will include: national updates the level 3 diploma for health screeners and available resources reaccreditation...
Report highlights how best performing newborn hearing screening sites ensure early assessment of screen-positive babies in audiology.
Local providers face an ongoing challenge to make sure they have enough clinical skills trainer capacity to support AAA screening technicians.
The NHS Diabetic Eye Screening Programme is again joining forces with the Royal Society of Medicine (RSM) to hold the fifth national diabetic eye screening conference on Friday 20 April.
The inaugural NHS Diabetic Eye Screening Programme networking day enabled people from across the world of diabetic eye screening to network with colleagues and get operational updates from the national programme team.
...regional head of QA Midlands and East, and newborn blood spot (NBS) laboratory directors. Some of the delegates from the SQAS/SIT teams at the away day What we discussed We...
...toolkit. In the meantime, we’re also continuing to ask local providers to share any inequalities best practice with the national team. We will update you in due course on how...
The NHS Fetal Anomaly Screening Programme is running a series of training events to help healthcare professionals support women in making personalised informed choices about screening for Down’s, Edwards’ and Patau’s syndromes.
Antenatal and newborn screening coordinator shares learning from a screening safety incident in the fetal anomaly screening programme.