Education and training: now on GOV.UK

...hasn’t moved – you can still access it through the CPD website. Chapter 2 of the NHSP operational guidance document is about education and training Level 3 diploma for health...
...hasn’t moved – you can still access it through the CPD website. Chapter 2 of the NHSP operational guidance document is about education and training Level 3 diploma for health...
...the new sample taker e-learning resource Where to find the resource The resource is on the e-Learning for Healthcare (e-LfH) website where it sits with our suite of e-learning for...
In our quest to provide free, high quality, easy to access training for those informing women about breast screening, we often collaborate with other organisations. This makes sure we can...
On 1 April 2017, e-learning for the NHS Screening Programmes moved to e-Learning for Healthcare (e-LfH). This move, which was a big job, involved us asking you to complete any modules remaining on the old website and signing up for e-LfH.
After months of hard work, e-learning for the NHS Screening Programmes is now available on the e-Learning for Healthcare (e-LfH) website.
The NHS Newborn and Infant Physical Examination (NIPE) Screening Programme’s e-learning is being revamped.
The NHS Fetal Anomaly Screening Programme (FASP) offers screening to pregnant women so they can find out how likely it is that their baby has Down’s (Trisomy 21 or T21),...
The NHS Screening Programmes e-learning modules are moving to e-Learning for Healthcare (e-LfH). to the standard registration process: Start the standard registration process. OpenAthens registration Users who do not meet the criteria for standard registration must use the OpenAthens access route....
Public Health England doesn’t directly train people how to carry out screening in the NHS. We’d love to visit you all but sadly don’t have the resources to do this....