Every time we work on an e-learning project we try to think about who works in screening and what they need to help provide safe and efficient services.
Last week, the NHS Cervical Screening Programme (CSP) launched a new e-learning resource for cervical sample takers. Designed to meet 3-yearly update requirements, this resource is free to access for sample takers working in the programme.
There was a clear need to make sample taker update training more widely available and we grabbed this opportunity with both hands.

Where to find the resource
The resource is on the e-Learning for Healthcare (e-LfH) website where it sits with our suite of e-learning for staff working in all NHS screening programmes.
The e-learning is made up of 12 sessions which include:
- the CSP pathway
- case studies
- a knowledge asssessment
Sample takers can download a certificate as a training record after completing the assessment.

Access the e-learning
There are 2 ways to sign up for e-LfH. Read our blog about which way is best for you.
When you are enrolling make sure to look out for the NHS Cervical Screening Programme.

How we created the resource
We adapted this resource from the North East, Yorkshire and the Humber (NEYH) Cervical Sample Taker course. Of course, they gave us their permission and we are very grateful!
A team of experts and other stakeholders took part in updating and revising the content. This helped ensure that the resource covers all requirements of national training guidance.
Launch event

To mark the release of the resource we held a half-day launch event on 12 October to coincide with the go live date.
We invited stakeholders working in cervical screening or commissioning sample taker training.
The day included presentations from senior programme leads, education specialists and NHS Digital.
The audience heard:
- an update of recent programme developments from the national cervical screening programme manager
- the history of the resource
- future NHS CSP education and training plans
There were also demonstrations of:
- the interactive e-learning module
- how to access and complete the module
- NHS Digital cervical screening coverage data dashboard
The panel of speakers took questions from the audience at the end of the session.
It was great meeting many of you at the launch event. We’ve really enjoyed developing this module and hope you find it useful for your ongoing CPD.

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Comment by Tracey Brignall-Roe posted on
All very well, but it is essential that local guidelines are included. Doing this course is not going to give you a registered number from the lab for taking samples so not sure it will work
Comment by Ruth Stubbs posted on
Dear Tracey,
Thank you for your comment. We hope you find the national sample taker update e-learning helpful. Sample taker PIN numbers from laboratories will need to be addressed at a local level.