Changes ahead for the national screening system
Changes ahead for the national screening system
Details of changes to the national screening system from 1 October, due to the closure of Public Health England.
Details of changes to the national screening system from 1 October, due to the closure of Public Health England.
All organisations providing NHS care and / or adult social care must now follow the Accessible Information Standard in full.
Here at the PHE Screening helpdesk we aim to provide information and support to stakeholders and users of all our screening services.
On 1 April 2016 we launched the Level 3 Diploma for Health Screeners.
We have published the revised national pathway standards for the NHS Diabetic Eye Screening Programme.
The IDPS programme commissions the team at the Population, Policy and Practice Programme at the University College London (UCL) Institute of Child Health to collect screening outcome data on HIV, syphilis and hepatitis B.
I feel very honoured to have been appointed Chair of the UK National Screening Committee (UK NSC).
I read an interesting article recently. In it, Dr Steven Hatch, a specialist in infectious diseases at the University of Massachusetts Medical School, writes about uncertainty in medicine and why patients – and doctors – need to get better at … first login US09 – correct date formats in export file US10 – remove ability to click Save twice (as that incorrectly resulted in the record being created without a...
...they are fit for purpose. Please open and review the draft revised standards. Please then complete our consultation survey. The consultation will be open for 6 weeks until 9 September...
Today is World Hepatitis Day, so it's the perfect time to highlight the work of the NHS Infectious Diseases in Pregnancy Screening (IDPS) Programme's national hepatitis B in pregnancy audit. We commission the audit from the population, policy and practice programme at …