Changes ahead for the national screening system
Changes ahead for the national screening system
Details of changes to the national screening system from 1 October, due to the closure of Public Health England.
Details of changes to the national screening system from 1 October, due to the closure of Public Health England.
The NHS Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Screening Programme held an extremely successful networking day for clinical skills trainers from all over England and Wales.
THE NHS AAA Screening Programme has now invited 2 million men for a screening test since the implementation of screening started in England in 2009.
We have published new guidance that describes the checks and audits needed for antenatal and newborn screening pathways.
If you’re not yet used to HTML don’t panic. Hopefully this blog will answer most of your questions.
These are all the blog articles we published in June 2018 in case you missed any of them. Fetal anomaly screening We’re improving our information on fetal anomalies for parents Publication of an updated leaflet (right) on congenital diaphragmatic hernia …
My name is Nichola Goddard and in this blog I'd like to tell you about a regional DES networking day I attended and why I would encourage others to attend one in their region if they get the chance.
...system that will improve: the process of collecting and sharing data patient safety, quality and completeness of data to evaluate the programme What we've done so far At the beginning...
PHE is responsible for setting policy and guidance for the NHS Cervical Screening Programme. To make sure we have clinical expertise to support and advise the programme we have clinical professional groups for laboratories, colposcopy, education and training.
One of the questions health professionals regularly ask us via our screening helpdesk is ‘to whom and when can screening for Down’s, Edwards’ and Patau’s syndromes be offered?’
Sonia Segalini, a screening quality assurance project officer at Public Health England, explains how she overcame her fear of presenting.