New alpha zero thalassaemia carrier digital leaflet

New alpha zero thalassaemia carrier digital leaflet for pregnant women and couples.
New alpha zero thalassaemia carrier digital leaflet for pregnant women and couples.
The newborn outcomes solution IT system is now live in all newborn blood spot laboratories.
The specialist counsellor update days will run twice this year.
The family origin questionnaire (FOQ) guidance has been updated to describe the essential elements local NHS antenatal screening providers must include in their locally developed FOQ forms, whatever their format.
The genetic risk assessment and counselling module will run for 4 days through May and June 2021.
New simple A4 printable PDF versions of 6 of the most commonly used ANNB screening publications.
We continue to update and publish national public information about the NHS screening programmes in accessible digital format. This now includes information for parents of babies whose newborn blood spot screening test shows they carry a gene for an unusual …
We've published 7 new screening animations explaining the different screening tests for pregnant women and newborn babies.
An updated version of the Screening tests for you and your baby leaflet will be available to order soon. This blog article explains when and how to order copies.
PHE has brought together all our guidance for screening services on moving to digital information into one place on GOV.UK.