Register now for second national screening inequalities conference

Register now for the free national PHE Screening Inequalities Conference on Friday 5 February 2021
Register now for the free national PHE Screening Inequalities Conference on Friday 5 February 2021
You can now use short, memorable web addresses to direct people to all the NHS screening information for the public on GOV.UK.
Here is a round-up of the 8 Public Health England (PHE) screening blog posts published in October 2020.
A small, dedicated team in the PHE Screening division is coordinating and leading on work to address inequalities in screening access and uptake.
Here is a round-up of the 9 Public Health England (PHE) screening blog posts published in September 2020.
Newly published guidance includes 30 principles for the effective use of text messaging within the NHS screening programmes.
PHE Screening is providing expert advice on screening inequalities at a national level.
A round-up of all Public Health England (PHE) screening blog posts published in August 2020.
A new health equity audit has been published specifically aimed at supporting screening providers and commissioners.
PHE has published a refreshed suite of documents for finding data definitions and submitting KPI data.