Improvements to our Screening Tests For You and Your Baby booklet

Learn about all the changes and improvements to our Screening Tests For You and Your Baby leaflet.
Nick Johnstone-Waddell has worked in screening since 2001. He started with the newborn hearing screening programme back when it was still a pilot project and helped to develop the first national screening IT system.
He is now responsible for public and professional information for all the national population screening programmes, including leaflets and online content. He strongly believes in the need for simple, clear information to support informed choice and is always looking for new ways to get our messages across.
Nick’s background is in psychology and mental health research. He lives in Manchester and enjoys long walks with his family and dogs.
Learn about all the changes and improvements to our Screening Tests For You and Your Baby leaflet.
A reminder for antenatal screening laboratories to use the standard templates to let pregnant women know about low chance fetal anomaly screening results.
Public Health England, NHS England and NHS Digital have begun an ongoing collaboration to move from printed invitation leaflets to online information, starting with antenatal and newborn screening.
This article explains the benefits of local screening services using the national screening leaflets rather than producing their own information. It also describes the remit of Public Health England in terms of screening information produced by third parties outside of the NHS and government.
An explanation of why we now publish files on GOV.UK in open document format and what you need to know about the change.
We've created a one-side A4 poster you can print out and stick above your computer or on the office notice board to remind you where to go for information related to population screening in England.
To mark our 500th PHE Screening blog post, we’re launching a survey so you can let us know how to make our next 500 posts even better than the last.
This year’s Royal College of Midwives (RCM) conference starts today in Manchester with more than 3,500 delegates attending. PHE Screening has a stand where we will be updating delegates on all the antenatal and newborn national screening programmes and answering any questions they may have.
Information about our updated guidance on patient confidentiality in NHS population screening programmes.
About how we need to save money on our printed screening leaflets.
Public Health England (PHE) existed to protect and improve the nation’s health and wellbeing, and reduce health inequalities. It closed on 30 September 2021 and this blog is no longer updated.
Find out more about the implications for health screening in our Changes ahead for the national screening system blog article.
If you want to stay in touch with screening evidence and policy news, you can subscribe to the UK National Screening Committee blog.