My name is Nichola Goddard and in this blog I'd like to tell you about a regional DES networking day I attended and why I would encourage others to attend one in their region if they get the chance.
One of the questions health professionals regularly ask us via our screening helpdesk is ‘to whom and when can screening for Down’s, Edwards’ and Patau’s syndromes be offered?’
The London screening quality assurance service recently held a forum for heads of midwifery and screening coordinators.
Lindsay Kimm reflects on her 30 years of working in population screening programmes.
The NHS Newborn Hearing Screening Programme screens babies during the first few weeks of their lives to find those who are born with hearing loss.
The NHS Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Screening Programme is delighted to confirm that we will be hosting a networking day aimed specifically at clinical skills trainers (CSTs) on Friday, 2 March...
Local providers face an ongoing challenge to make sure they have enough clinical skills trainer capacity to support AAA screening technicians.
The inaugural NHS Diabetic Eye Screening Programme networking day enabled people from across the world of diabetic eye screening to network with colleagues and get operational updates from the national programme team.
The PHE Screening easy read information expert group met again to look at updating our easy read breast screening information and developing new easy read screening invitation letters.
Women with a learning disability who are eligible for breast screening are the least likely to attend, even though it can save their life.