What PHE Screening blogged about in May 2018

Here’s a list of all our May blog posts and links so you can find them.
Here’s a list of all our May blog posts and links so you can find them.
Blogging is such a good way to open up what different parts of Government are doing and, importantly, to show that Government isn’t a faceless bureaucracy but is made up of people with passion and dedication for what they do.
We always want to improve the blog and make it easier to find the news and articles that are most relevant and interesting to you. That’s why we’ve introduced tags. These are a new way to search the blog quickly and easily.
In the coming weeks, you will notice that it’s much quieter than usual on the PHE Screening blog.
2016 was a bumper year for the PHE Screening blog – which is now the 6th most subscribed blog across government.
PHE Screening had a stand at the Royal College of Midwives' annual conference. It was great to meet loads of people and talk about the work of the antenatal and newborn screening programmes. We even managed to sign up lots …
Please would you give us 5 minutes of your time to Help us Evaluate our blogs?
Are we blogging brilliant or are our blogs a blunder? We’ve designed a short survey for you to tell us what you think of our blogs.
Firstly, a very happy new year to all readers of the PHE Screening blog! The end of December is traditionally a time to reflect on the previous year and I'm sure many of you will have read many such articles …
After lots of hard work, screening information for healthcare professionals has now moved to GOV.UK.