Changes ahead for the national screening system
Changes ahead for the national screening system
Details of changes to the national screening system from 1 October, due to the closure of Public Health England.
Details of changes to the national screening system from 1 October, due to the closure of Public Health England.
One of the values we hold dear in PHE Screening is supporting individuals to make an informed choice about screening.
Last August we wrote about the new UK-wide public information group. It was formed on the recommendation of the Parliamentary Science and Technology Committee to join up the great work on public screening information happening in each of the 4 …
In 1988, the UK implemented the first national breast screening programme following evidence published in the Forrest Report.
Public Health England doesn’t directly train people how to carry out screening in the NHS. We’d love to visit you all but sadly don’t have the resources to do this....
It was a wet windy Wednesday at Wellington House in London when I… No, hang on. Let’s stop and think for a moment. Who is my audience? What are their needs?
Since August 2016, all providers of NHS care and/or publicly-funded adult social care have been legally obliged to follow the Accessible Information Standard. Image courtesy of easy on the i...
If you’ve contacted the PHE Screening helpdesk recently, you may have noticed and even completed, our latest user survey.
Evidence shows that human papillomavirus (HPV) testing is a better way of identifying women at risk of cervical cancer than the cytology (smear) test that examines cells under a microscope.
The NHS Diabetic Eye Screening Programme helps prevent sight loss in people with diabetes. Screening can detect diabetic retinopathy early, when treatment is effective at reducing or preventing damage from the condition.
The University of Warwick is again offering a one day workshop in health screening aimed at any staff involved in the provision of NHS screening programmes.