NHS bowel cancer screening pathologists lead the way virtually

Read about how the bowel cancer screening pathology study days were held virtually and what's coming next.
Read about how the bowel cancer screening pathology study days were held virtually and what's coming next.
A national audit of quality assurance visits to local screening services found that SQAS teams consistently address inequalities in visits across all screening programmes.
Suzette Woodward, an international expert on patient safety advising PHE on its review of the screening incident guidance, sets out her thoughts on how learning from safety incidents could be strengthened.
PHE's plans for reviewing and improving the approach to incidents in the NHS screening programmes and preparing for the new NHS patient safety incident response framework.
The screening quality assurance service (SQAS) is launching online refresher training for professional clinical advisors (PCAs) on 2 November.
More than 350 people attended a bowel cancer screening event in Leeds. In this post we share a summary of important messages and learning points for local services to keep in mind.
Find out more about our new e-learning module on managing safety incidents in NHS screening programmes.
Important information for local screening providers on how and when they need to validate and submit key performance indicator (KPI) and screening standards data.
A year ago we launched the PHE Screening inequalities strategy. Please complete a short survey to tell us if it is having a positive impact.
PHE screening and immunisation teams ran successful CPD sessions on antenatal and newborn screening for health visitors in Lancashire.