NHS Cervical Screening Programme
...work from providers that have backlogs. Trusts interested in this mitigation option can approach their commissioners. The options appraisal is due to be completed in early 2017 and we will...
...effective, and compliant with EU procurement rules. A full implementation plan has not yet been agreed. However, PHE and NHS England will continue to work in collaboration with clinical experts...
The London Screening Quality Assurance Services (SQAS) team held a meeting for London QA cytology, colposcopy and hospital-based programme coordinators.
The 11 national screening programmes cover a wide variety of conditions, age ranges and screening tests.
...of bowel cancer screening letters. I'm Dr Anne Mackie, Director of Screening at Public Health England (PHE). This is my second biannual letter to GPs in England (the first was...
...HPV that can cause cervical cancer. The leaflet also highlights other resources for women to access further information on cervical screening should they wish to. The NHS Cervical Screening Programme...
...major advantages offered by Harlow is the ability to set up standing orders for regular deliveries of items. We expect this to be particularly useful for the companies that undertake...
Following a review of results from the English HPV primary screening pilot sites and international evidence, the UK National Screening Committee recommended at its January meeting that HPV primary screening should be adopted by the screening programme. We are now …
...and bowel cancer screening resources. This will bring the printing, storage and distribution of all publications for the 11 NHS screening programmes under one roof. The cancer screening publications are...
...children, oral cancer and prostate cancer. Neuroblastoma (a rare cancer affecting young children) provides an interesting case study in weighing up the pros and cons of screening. A national screening...