A total of 110 out of 139 NHS trusts in England are now using the NIPE SMART (Screening Management and Reporting Tool) IT solution.

NIPE SMART is the national application for cohort identification, recording of screening tests, outcomes and failsafe for the NHS Newborn and Infant Physical Examination (NIPE) Programme.
The NIPE screening programme examination includes specific tests to find out if a baby has any problems with their eyes, heart, hips and the testicles (testes).
We have been rolling out this application over the past 2 years and it has proved successful in providing a failsafe mechanism to ensure all babies are offered screening and referred for treatment if necessary.
One problem, though, is that some trusts need to double enter newborn physical examination data on to local maternity systems. This has led some areas to delay implementation. This is preventing us from achieving the national failsafe and delivering a comprehensive national data set for the NIPE programme.
We have therefore established 2 workstreams to move things forward.
- NIPE SMART system redesign: an updated national system covering the 4 NIPE screening elements – hips, heart, eyes and testes.
- NIPE technology review: this will define a solution for trusts that want to continue to use their local maternity system as well as NIPE SMART to support screening.
While we work on delivering these changes we need to maintain momentum with the NIPE SMART implementation in the meantime.
We therefore recommend that trusts that have not yet adopted NIPE SMART – and those already in early implementation planning stages – should implement the application in 1 of the following configurations:
- implementation of a basic version of NIPE SMART (recording the 4 NIPE screening related data items only)
- implementation of the current version of NIPE SMART with a limited pre-defined set of local data fields (these will be withdrawn once the new system is available along with the ability to use it alongside local maternity systems)
Many thanks again to all local NIPE programmes for working with use to make NIPE SMART a success.
If you require any more information, please contact the PHE Screening helpdesk at PHE.screeninghelpdesk@nhs.net.
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