Cervical cancer is preventable and the impact of a diagnosis is far reaching both emotionally and physically. Screening is a choice that is available to all women, and by raising awareness we are ensuring women receive the information to help them make an informed choice.
PHE Screening's leaflet for people who are trans or non-binary has been very well received by trans communities and healthcare professionals alike.
If your screening service needs to put in any last-minute pre-Christmas leaflet orders, the message is: make sure you get them to national print supplier Harlow Printing Ltd before 20 December.
The newly published ‘Breast screening: interval cancers and duty of candour toolkit’ advises health professionals on how to communicate information on interval cancers to women who were previously screened in the programme.
The PHE Screening easy read information expert group met again to look at updating our easy read breast screening information and developing new easy read screening invitation letters.
Women with a learning disability who are eligible for breast screening are the least likely to attend, even though it can save their life.
Today we’ve published our new easy guide to bowel scope screening to ensure information about bowel screening is equally accessible to people with learning disabilities and anyone who struggles with written English.
Today we’ve published – after several years of hard work by many talented people – a large set of resources that can help providers ensure high quality local screening services.
This year, on 17 July, I went to Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital (NNUH) for a colonoscopy. For the uninitiated it’s where a highly trained individual sticks a camera up your bottom. Take it from me, it’s really quite painless, …
We have updated our national guidance on counselling and referral for prenatal diagnosis for women and couples at risk of having a baby with sickle cell disease or thalassaemia major.