New resources to help improve quality of samples taken in NHS newborn blood spot screening

Local screening providers can make use of new shared resources to help improve quality of samples taken in NHS newborn blood spot screening.
Local screening providers can make use of new shared resources to help improve quality of samples taken in NHS newborn blood spot screening.
An expert group at the World Health Organisation (WHO) has highlighted the success of the UK in achieving regional hepatitis B control targets.
The NHS Newborn Hearing Screening Programme has played a major role in identifying moderate to profound hearing loss in newborn babies in England and has reached another major milestone, having now screened 11 million babies.
The programme .
Changes to the newborn outcomes solution reflect feedback from users and include improvements for laboratory users and changes to data entry pages for laboratory and clinical (nurse/medical) users.
The PHE newborn blood spot (NBS) screening team has analysed results from its evaluation survey of the newborn blood spot failsafe solution.
New national guidance published to support antenatal and newborn (ANNB) screening providers in addressing inequalities throughout the screening pathway.
An evaluation of newborn blood spot screening for severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID) launches today in some parts of England.
Read about the full roll out of S4N across England and other recent PHE NIPE screening team achievements.
Here are the dates when blood spot takers need to start offering parents and carers severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID) screening as part of an evaluation in England.
The newborn outcomes (NBO) solution is a web-based system for referring newborn babies who screen positive for sickle cell disease (SCD) and thalassaemia.