Nationally and locally we aim to make sure screening is equitable and accessible to all eligible populations, which is why we’ve published 7 new audio versions of national patient information screening leaflets.
One of the values we hold dear in PHE Screening is supporting individuals to make an informed choice about screening. so. Take steps to ensure that people receive information which they can access and understand, and receive communication support if they need it. It’s important to remember that the...
Today (4 January) is World Braille Day, which is celebrated annually on the birthday of Braille inventor, Louis Braille.
We aim to ensure NHS screening programmes are equally accessible to everyone who is eligible for testing.
...AAA. The screening in prison settings steering group, of which I'm a member, recently finalised the pathways for screening in prison settings. We will shortly publish them online along with...
...aortic aneurysm Prisons pose particular problems in this respect – both in identifying who is eligible for screening and ensuring that eligible people in legal custody can be tested if...