On 11 April 2018 we will be upgrading NBSFS and the new version will only work with Internet Explorer version 10 and above. This is because the older versions of Internet Explorer are obsolete and do not have the required level of security. The NBSFS will continue to work on the Chrome / Firefox browsers.
We have published a new user guide for the newborn blood spot failsafe solution on GOV.UK.
The NHS Diabetic Eye Screening (DES) Programme helps prevent sight loss in people with diabetes. Screening can detect diabetic retinopathy early, when treatment is effective at reducing or preventing damage from the condition.
The NHS Breast Screening Programme has produced new guidance on the reporting, classification and monitoring of interval cancers. These are cancers diagnosed after a screening appointment at which a woman received a normal result and before her next scheduled screening appointment.
We have published new information that describes the checks and audits that are needed for the sickle cell and thalassaemia (SCT) screening pathway.
I’m the antenatal and newborn screening coordinator at Northampton General Hospital. That means I’m responsible for making sure we offer and carry out all antenatal and newborn screening tests correctly for mothers and babies in our care.
We offer all babies born in England newborn blood spot (NBS) screening for 9 rare but potentially disabling or life-threatening conditions.
The NHS Newborn Blood Spot (NBS) Screening Programme uses a heel prick test to screen newborn babies for 9 rare but serious conditions. Babies who test positive can then be treated early, improving their health and, in some cases, preventing …
Newborn blood spot screening is a recommended routine part of the screening pathway for babies in England. The NHS Newborn Blood Spot Screening Programme (also known as the heel prick test) screens newborn babies for 9 rare but serious conditions. Babies …
The NHS Breast Screening Programme screens around 1.2 million women in England each year.