We are pleased to publish the first annual data report for the NHS Fetal Anomaly Screening Programme (FASP).
We have published the first annual data report for the NHS Fetal Anomaly Screening Programme (FASP). It covers the period 1 April 2015 to 31 March 2016 and provides feedback on completeness of data submission and performance against the national standards.
We have published the annual screening data for the non-cancer key performance indicators (KPIs) for the 2016 to 2017 screening year (1 April 2016 to 31 March 2017).
...NHS screening programmes are performing and aim to give a high level overview of programme quality. Highlights of the Q4 data The national performance of ID1 (antenatal infectious disease screening...
...in December when we collect the Q1 FA2 data. When submitting KPI data Please make sure to: sense check your data complete the ‘submitted by’ information make sure the data...
For the first time ever, we’re publishing detailed cervical screening coverage data by GP practice. Coverage is the proportion of women eligible for screening who have a test result recorded in the last 3 or 5 years, depending on their age.
We use key performance indicator (KPI) data to measure how the NHS screening programmes are performing.
Today, we are delighted to publish annual diabetic eye screening data by local provider in England for the period 1 April 2015 to 31 March 2016.
Our 3 antenatal screening programmes have joined forces with the national Screening Quality Assurance Service (SQAS) team to hold 8 regional workshops during 2017.
We’ve updated our guidance for submitting key performance indicators (KPIs), quarterly and annual pathway standards data for abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) screening and diabetic eye screening (DES) providers.
The National Antenatal Infection Screening Monitoring (NAISM) team in Public Health England’s National Infection Service (NIS) has published the 2015 annual summary report on antenatal screening for infectious diseases.