Today we’ve published our new easy guide to bowel scope screening to ensure information about bowel screening is equally accessible to people with learning disabilities and anyone who struggles with written English.
In our quest to provide free, high quality, easy to access training for those informing women about breast screening, we often collaborate with other organisations. This makes sure we can...
...of screening new links to promotion of vaccinations in pregnancy and reporting viral rash reinforcing the importance of sexual health awareness and protection in pregnancy follow-up of women who miscarry...
Today we’ve published our latest easy read information leaflet to help ensure screening is accessible to individuals with learning disabilities and low literacy levels.
It's really important that NHS services listen to the people who actually use them - patients and members of the public. Otherwise we could end up with services that look great on paper but...
We aim to make screening accessible and inclusive for all eligible populations. For people who are trans (transgender) or non-binary (any gender that is not exclusively male or female), inequalities may exist because...
Nationally and locally we aim to make sure screening is equitable and accessible to all eligible populations, which is why we’ve published 7 new audio versions of national patient information screening leaflets.
It was a wet windy Wednesday at Wellington House in London when I… No, hang on. Let’s stop and think for a moment. Who is my audience? What are their needs?
Since August 2016, all providers of NHS care and/or publicly-funded adult social care have been legally obliged to follow the Accessible Information Standard. Image courtesy of easy on the i...
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The PHE Screening team
Public Health England (PHE) existed to protect and improve the nation’s health and wellbeing, and reduce health inequalities. It closed on 30 September 2021 and this blog is no longer updated.