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NHS Sickle Cell and Thalassaemia Screening Programme

Networking, national updates and shared learning at London antenatal and newborn screening forum

The London Screening Quality Assurance Service (SQAS) team held a successful forum for screening coordinators and heads of midwifery from all London maternity units.

Our quality assurance visit was a positive experience that flew by

Kirsty Jones, the antenatal and newborn screening coordinator for Mid Cheshire Hosptials NHS Foundation Trust , talks about her experience of her first quality assurance visit and explains how she was pleasantly surprised.

Screening key performance indicators: publication of quarter 4 2015 to 2016 data and other updates

We have published the key performance indicator (KPI) non-cancer screening data for the fourth quarter of 2015 to 2016 (1 January to 30 March 2016). The KPIs are used to measure how the NHS screening programmes are performing and aim …

A day in the life of an antenatal screening co-ordinator

...and my own office. “I’m your woman,” I replied. The interview was tough but I got the job. In those days, women attended antenatal screening clinics on a Tuesday morning...

Quarter 3 KPI screening data published

We have published the key performance indicator (KPI) non-cancer screening data for the third quarter of 2015 to 2016 (1 October 2015 to 31 December 2015). KPIs are used to measure how the NHS screening programmes are performing and aim to give a …

Wessex team plans campaign to promote earlier booking for sickle cell and thalassaemia screening

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...The Wessex screening and immunisation team is working with Wessex maternity providers to plan a campaign to promote earlier booking and we would like to build on tried and tested...